Dreams, we all have them. In our youth, they are easy to define, and everything seems attainable. People around you, along with most of the world, tell you to “reach for the stars” or “follow your dreams.” As we get older, this encouragement slows down and the voices of support grow softer. Sometimes, we get held back by fear of failure, insecurity in our abilities, or the struggle of breaking free from our comfort zones.

This is why we have a Dream Leader. His name is Jeff, he is a big, strong, lovable man whose sole purpose at Good Earth is to help people achieve their personal goals. He meets with team members in complete confidentiality to offer a voice of encouragement, accountability, support, and resources. This is a unique program that we have but we did not make it out of whole cloth. The inspiration came from Matthew Kelly’s book The Dream Manager and I highly recommend it.

We have had this program in place for a couple of years now. In that time, Jeff has helped employees buy homes, get out of debt, go back to school, establish new careers, and even quit everything and live out of an RV full time with their family. We know that pest control is not a lifetime career for everyone, but we feel honored to be a positive step along their journeys. These goals are 100% confidential, I am sharing these examples only because the team members gave permission.

Dreaming is sometimes the easiest part. Most people can get inspired and excited but acting on those dreams can be much harder. Commitment and desire will lead you along the path towards accomplishment and the successful realization of a dream can be one of the most satisfying journeys of your life. Sometimes, people need just a little encouragement, support, and someone to talk to.  We are lucky to have Jeff, our Dream Leader.


Hard on Bugs. Soft on You.

A Local Family Business

Serving Oregon since 1989